Walk For Epilepsy Monterey
10:00am: Check In and Registration Opens 11:00am: Walk Begins to Lake El Estero (2 miles total) 12:00pm: Refreshments, Community Gathering, Resource, and Support Tables
Read Article10:00am: Check In and Registration Opens 11:00am: Walk Begins to Lake El Estero (2 miles total) 12:00pm: Refreshments, Community Gathering, Resource, and Support Tables
Read ArticleIn California, 327,00 doses of the Pfizer vaccine were received in mid-December (when this article was written). Of those, 3,000 were bound for Monterey County. here is some info about the vaccine that is of importance to your family.
Read ArticleA negative experience at the dentist as a child can result in continued anxiety over routine dental care into adulthood. So, learn how to prepare for your child’s first and subsequent visits to the dentist to ensure a positive, successful experience.
Read ArticleWhen faced with a medical emergency—or a situation that could become one—what’s a parent to do? Head straight for the chaotic, costly hospital emergency room? Or a local urgent care center?
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