City of Carmel Tree Lighting and Menorah Lighting

Devendorf Park

The annual City Holiday Tree and Menorah Lighting Celebration is held at Devendorf Park on Ocean Avenue between Junipero and Mission, followed by the Carmel Plaza Holiday Open House. 3:30 p.m. Santa Claus will arrive via Fire Truck while the reindeer rest up for their big night and the Del Monte Brass will be there […]

Veterans Day Celebration

Devendorf Park

Military officials and city dignitaries, including the mayor, gather in Devendorf Park to honor Veterans of the nation’s wars with a ceremony and speeches. Afterward, the American Legion Post in Carmel hosts an open house, to which veterans, friends and family are welcome. CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER.

Carmel Annual Halloween Parade and Trick or Treat

Devendorf Park

Join us for tricks, treats + spooky beats in Devendorf Park after the parade (5:00 - 7:00 p.m.) for music from Shannon and the Night Divers Trick-or-Treating and free hot dogs, chips, and water. Thank you to Sunset Center for sponsoring the entertainment and the Carmel Host Lions for preparing the hot dogs.